Relevant files: [Shared:LevelGenerationParametersFile.cs] [Shared:LevelGenerationParams.cs]
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Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
Type | LevelData.LevelType | LevelData.LevelType.LocationConnection | |
Commonness | float | 100.0 | If there are multiple level generation parameters available for a level in a given biome, their commonness determines how likely it is for one to get selected. |
MinLevelDifficulty | float | 0.0 | The difficulty of the level has to be above or equal to this for these parameters to get chosen for the level. |
MaxLevelDifficulty | float | 100.0 | The difficulty of the level has to be below or equal to this for these parameters to get chosen for the level. |
AmbientLightColor | Color | “27,30,36” | |
BackgroundTextureColor | Color | “20,40,50” | |
BackgroundColor | Color | “20,40,50” | |
WallColor | Color | “255,255,255” | |
WaterParticleColor | Color | “255,255,255” | |
StartPosition | Vector2 | “0,0” | Start position of the level (relative to the size of the level. 0,0 = top left corner, 1,1 = bottom right corner) |
EndPosition | Vector2 | “1,0” | End position of the level (relative to the size of the level. 0,0 = top left corner, 1,1 = bottom right corner) |
ForceOutpostPosition | Vector2 | “0,0” | Position of the outpost (relative to the size of the level. 0,0 = top left corner, 1,1 = bottom right corner). If set to 0,0, the outpost is placed in a suitable position automatically. |
CreateHoleNextToEnd | bool | true | Should there be a hole in the wall next to the end outpost (can be used to prevent players from having to backtrack if they approach the outpost from the wrong side of the main path’s walls). |
CreateHoleToAbyss | bool | true | Should the generator force a hole to the bottom of the level to ensure there’s a way to the abyss. |
NoLevelGeometry | bool | false | If enabled, no walls generate in the level. Can be useful for e.g. levels that are just supposed to consist of a pre-built outpost. |
LevelObjectAmount | int | 1000 | The total number of level objects (vegetation, vents, etc) in the level. |
BackgroundCreatureAmount | int | 80 | The total number of decorative background creatures. |
MinWidth | int | 100000 | |
MaxWidth | int | 100000 | |
Height | int | 50000 | |
InitialDepthMin | int | 80000 | Minimum depth at the top of the level (100 corresponds to 1 meter). |
InitialDepthMax | int | 80000 | Maximum depth at the top of the level (100 corresponds to 1 meter). |
MinTunnelRadius | int | 6500 | Minimum width of the main tunnel going through the level, in pixels. Can be automatically increased by the level editor if the submarine is larger than this. |
SideTunnelCount | Point | “0,1” | Amount of side tunnels in the level (min,max). |
SideTunnelVariance | float | 0.5 | How much the side tunnels can “zigzag”. 0 = completely straight tunnel, 1 = can go all the way from the top of the level to the bottom. |
MinSideTunnelRadius | Point | “2000,6000” | Minimum width of the side tunnels, in pixels. Unlike the main tunnel, does not get adjusted based on the size of the submarine. |
VoronoiSiteInterval | Point | “3000, 3000” | How far from each other voronoi sites are placed. Sites determine shape of the voronoi graph which the level walls are generated from. (Decreasing this value causes the number of sites, and the complexity of the level, to increase exponentially - be careful when adjusting) |
VoronoiSiteVariance | Point | “700,700” | How much random variation to apply to the positions of the voronoi sites on each axis. Small values produce roughly rectangular level walls. The larger the values are, the less uniform the shapes get. |
CellSubdivisionLength | int | 5000 | The edges of the individual wall cells are subdivided into edges of this size. Can be used in conjunction with the rounding values to make the cells rounder. Smaller values will make the cells look smoother, but make the level more performance-intensive as the number of polygons used in rendering and physics calculations increases. |
CellRoundingAmount | float | 0.5 | How much the individual wall cells are rounded. Note that the final shape of the cells is also affected by the CellSubdivisionLength parameter. |
CellIrregularity | float | 0.1 | How much random variance is applied to the edges of the cells. Note that the final shape of the cells is also affected by the CellSubdivisionLength parameter. |
MainPathNodeIntervalRange | Point | “5000, 10000” | The distance between the nodes that are used to generate the main path through the level (min, max). Larger values produce a straighter path. |
MainPathVariance | float | 0.5 | How much the side tunnels can “zigzag”. 0 = completely straight tunnel, 1 = can go all the way from the top of the level to the bottom. |
CaveCount | int | 5 | The number of caves placed along the main path. |
ItemCount | int | 100 | The maximum number of level resources in the level. |
ResourceIntervalRange | Point | “19200,38400” | The minimum and maximum distance between two resource spawn points on a path. |
CaveResourceIntervalRange | Point | “9600,19200” | The minimum and maximum distance between two resource spawn points on a cave path. |
ResourceClusterSizeRange | Point | “3,6” | The minimum and maximum amount of resources in a single cluster. In addition to this, resource commonness affects the cluster size. Less common resources spawn in smaller clusters. |
ResourceSpawnChance | float | 0.3 | How likely a resource spawn point on a path is to contain resources. |
CaveResourceSpawnChance | float | 1.0 | How likely a resource spawn point on a cave path is to contain resources. |
FloatingIceChunkCount | int | 0 | Number of floating, destructible ice chunks in the level. |
IslandCount | int | 0 | Number of islands (static wall chunks along the main path) in the level. |
IceSpireCount | int | 0 | Number of ice spires in the level. |
AbyssIslandCount | int | 5 | Number of abyss islands in the level. |
AbyssIslandSizeMin | Point | “4000,7000” | |
AbyssIslandSizeMax | Point | “8000,10000” | |
AbyssIslandCaveProbability | float | 0.5 | The probability of an abyss island having a cave. There is always a cave in at least one of the islands regardless of this setting. |
AbyssResourceClustersMin | int | 10 | Minimum number of resource clusters in the abyss (the actual number is picked between min and max according to the level difficulty) |
AbyssResourceClustersMax | int | 40 | Maximum number of resource clusters in the abyss (the actual number is picked between min and max according to the level difficulty) |
SeaFloorDepth | int | -300000 | How far below the level the sea floor is placed. |
SeaFloorVariance | int | 1000 | Variance of the depth of the sea floor. Smaller values produce a smoother sea floor. |
MountainCountMin | int | 0 | The minimum number of mountains on the sea floor. |
MountainCountMax | int | 0 | The maximum number of mountains on the sea floor. |
MountainHeightMin | int | 1000 | The minimum height of the mountains on the sea floor. |
MountainHeightMax | int | 5000 | The maximum height of the mountains on the sea floor. |
RuinCount | int | 1 | The number of alien ruins in the level. |
MinWreckCount | int | 1 | The minimum number of wrecks in the level. Note that this value cannot be higher than the amount of wreck prefabs (subs). |
MaxWreckCount | int | 1 | The maximum number of wrecks in the level. Note that this value cannot be higher than the amount of wreck prefabs (subs). |
MinCorpseCount | int | 1 | The minimum number of corpses per wreck. |
MaxCorpseCount | int | 5 | The maximum number of corpses per wreck. |
ThalamusProbability | float | 0.0 | How likely is it that a Thalamus inhabits a wreck. Percentage from 0 to 1 per wreck. |
WreckHullFloodingChance | float | 0.5 | How likely the water level of a hull inside a wreck is randomly set. |
WreckFloodingHullMinWaterPercentage | float | 0.1 | The min water percentage of randomly flooding hulls in wrecks. |
WreckFloodingHullMaxWaterPercentage | float | 1.0 | The min water percentage of randomly flooding hulls in wrecks. |
ForceBeaconStation | string | ”” | Should a beacon station always spawn in this type of level? |
BottomHoleProbability | float | 0.4 | The probability for wall cells to be removed from the bottom of the map. A value of 0 will produce a completely enclosed tunnel and 1 will make the entire bottom of the level completely open. |
WaterParticleScale | float | 1.0 | Scale of the water particle texture. |
WaterParticleVelocity | Vector2 | “0,10” | How fast the water particle texture scrolls. |
WallTextureSize | float | 2048.0 | Size of the level wall texture. |
WallEdgeTextureWidth | float | 2048.0 | |
FlashInterval | Vector2 | “0,0” | Interval of lightning-like flashes of light in the level. |
FlashColor | Color | “0,0,0,0” | Color of lightning-like flashes of light in the level. |
PlayNoiseLoopInOutpostLevel | bool | false | Should the “ambient noise” of the biome play in this level if it’s an outpost level. |
WaterAmbienceVolume | float | 1.0 | |
WallEdgeExpandOutwardsAmount | float | 120.0 | How far the level walls’ edge texture portrudes outside the actual, “physical” edge of the cell. |
WallEdgeExpandInwardsAmount | float | 1000.0 | How far inside the level walls the edge texture continues. |