Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma



Explosions are area of effect attacks that can damage characters, items and structures.

This type also supports the attributes defined in: Attack


Attribute Type Default value Description
force float 0 How much force the explosion applies to the characters.
sparks bool Same as showEffects Whether a spark particle effect is created when the explosion happens.
shockwave bool Same as showEffects Whether a shockwave particle effect is created when the explosion happens.
flames bool Same as showEffects Whether a flame particle effect is created when the explosion happens.
underwaterBubble bool Same as showEffects Whether a underwater bubble particle effect is created when the explosion happens.
smoke bool Same as showEffects Whether a smoke particle effect is created when the explosion happens.
playTinnitus bool Same as showEffects Whether the explosion plays a tinnitus sound to players who get hit by it.
applyFireEffects bool true if showEffects is true and flames haven’t been explicitly set to false, false otherwise. Whether the explosion executes ‘OnFire’ status effects on the items it hits.
ignoreFireEffectsForTags string[] [] List of item tags that the explosion ignores when applying fire effects.
ignoreCover bool false When set to true, the explosion don’t deal less damage when the target is behind a solid object.
OnlyInside bool false Whether the explosion only affects characters inside a submarine.
OnlyOutside bool false Whether the explosion only affects characters outside a submarine.
flash bool Same as showEffects Whether a flash effect is created when the explosion happens.
flashDuration float 0.05 How long the light source created by the explosion lasts.
flashColor Color LightYellow Color of the light source created by the explosion.
EmpStrength float 0 Strength of the EMP effect created by the explosion.
BallastFloraDamage float 0 How much damage the explosion does to ballast flora.
itemRepairStrength float 0 How much the explosion repairs items.
decal string ”” Identifier of the decal the explosion creates on the background structure it explodes over.
Set to empty string to disable.
decalSize,decalsize float 1 Relative size of the decal created by the explosion.
cameraShake float 10% of the range if showEffects is true, 0 otherwise. Intensity of the screen shake effect.
cameraShakeRange float Same as attack range if showEffects is true, 0 otherwise. How far away does the camera shake effect reach.
screenColorRange float 10% of the range if showEffects is true, 0 otherwise. How far away can the screen color effect be seen.
screenColor Color Transparent Color tint to apply to the player’s screen when in range of the explosion.
screenColorDuration float 0.1 How long the screen color effect lasts.
flashRange float? 100 How large the light source created by the explosion is.
showEffects bool true Used to enable all particle effects without having to specify them one by one.