Content types
As of v0.17.12.0, the game supports the following content types:
Types created and edited with the submarine editor:
- Submarine
- BeaconStation
- EnemySubmarine
- Outpost
- OutpostModule
- Wreck
Partially auto-generated pages:
Fully auto-generated pages:
- BackgroundCreaturePrefabs
- BallastFlora
- CaveGenerationParameters
- Corpses
- Decals
- EventManagerSettings
- Factions
- ItemAssembly
- Jobs
- LevelGenerationParameters
- LevelObjectPrefabs
- LocationTypes
- MapGenerationParameters
- Missions
- NPCConversations
- NPCPersonalityTraits
- NPCSets
- Orders
- OutpostConfig
- Particles
- RandomEvents
- RuinConfig
- ServerExecutable
- SkillSettings
- Sounds
- StartItems
- Structure
- Talents
- TalentTrees
- Text
- TraitorMissions
- Tutorials
- UIStyle
- UpgradeModules
- WreckAIConfig
- Other