Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma


Used by various features to define different kinds of relations between items: for example, which item a character must have equipped to interact with some item in some way, which items can go inside a container, or which kind of item the target of a status effect must have for the effect to execute.


Attribute Type Default value Description
ExcludeBroken bool true Should broken (0 condition) items be excluded?
RequireEmpty bool false Should only an empty inventory be considered valid? Can be used to, for example, make an item do something when there’s nothing inside it.
ExcludeFullCondition bool false Should full condition (100%) items be excluded?
AllowVariants bool true Are item variants considered valid?
Rotation float 0 Only valid when used in the Containable definitions of an ItemContainer.
Can be used to override the rotation of specific items in the container.
SetActive bool false Only valid when used in the Containable definitions of an ItemContainer.
Can be used to force specific items to stay active inside the container (such as flashlights attached to a gun).
Msg Identifier ”” Only valid for the RequiredItems of an ItemComponent. The localization tag of a message displayed if the required item isn’t found (e.g. a notification about lack of ammo or fuel).
Optional bool false Only valid for the RequiredItems of an ItemComponent. Can be used to make the requirement optional,
meaning that you don’t need to have the item to interact with something, but having it may still affect what the interaction does (such as using a crowbar on a door).
IgnoreInEditor bool false Only valid for the RequiredItems of an ItemComponent. Can be used to ignore the requirement in the submarine editor,
making it easier to for example make rewire things that require some special tool to rewire.
MatchOnEmpty bool false Should an empty inventory be considered valid? Can be used to, for example, make an item do something if there’s a specific item, or nothing, inside it.
TargetSlot int -1 Index of the slot the target must be in when targeting a Contained item
Hide bool false Only valid when used in the Containable definitions of an ItemContainer.
Only affects when ItemContainer.hideItems is false. Doesn’t override the value.
ItemPos Vector2? Zero Overrides the position defined in ItemContainer. Only valid when used in the Containable definitions of an ItemContainer.