Check whether there’s at least / at most some number of entities matching some specific criteria.
Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
TargetTag | Identifier | ”” | Tag of the entities to check. |
SecondRequiredTargetTag | Identifier | ”” | Optional second tag. Can be used if the target must have two different tags. |
HullTag | Identifier | ”” | Optional tag of a hull the target must be inside. |
MinAmount | int | -1 | Minimum number of matching entities for the check to succeed. If omitted or negative, there is no minimum amount. |
MaxAmount | int | -1 | Maximum number of matching entities for the check to succeed. If omitted or negative, there is no maximum amount. |
CompareToTarget | Identifier | ”” | Tag of some other entities to compare the number of targets to. E.g. you could compare the number of entities tagged as “discoveredhull” to entities tagged as “anyhull”. The minimum/maximum amount of entities there must be relative to the other entities is configured using MinPercentageRelativeToTarget and MaxPercentageRelativeToTarget. |
MinPercentageRelativeToTarget | float | -1.0 | Minimum amount of targets, as a percentage of the number of entities tagged with CompareToTarget. E.g. you could compare the number of entities tagged as “discoveredhull” to entities tagged as “anyhull” to require 50% of hulls to be discovered. |
MaxPercentageRelativeToTarget | float | -1.0 | Maximum amount of targets, as a percentage of the number of entities tagged with CompareToTarget. E.g. you could compare the number of entities tagged as “floodedhull” to entities tagged as “anyhull” to require less than 50% of hulls to be flooded. |