Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
DistanceTolerance | Vector2 | “32.0,32.0” | How close the docking port has to be to another port to dock. |
DockedDistance | float | 32 | How close together the docking ports are forced when docked. |
IsHorizontal | bool | true | Is the port horizontal. |
MainDockingPort | bool | false | If set to true, this docking port is used when spawning the submarine docked to an outpost (if possible). |
ApplyEffectsOnDocking | bool | true | Should the OnUse StatusEffects trigger when docking (on vanilla docking ports these effects emit particles and play a sound).) |
ForceDockingDirection | DirectionType | None | Which direction the port is allowed to dock in. For example, “Top” would mean the port can dock to another port above it. Normally there’s no need to touch this setting, but if you notice the docking position is incorrect (for example due to some unusual docking port configuration without hulls or doors), you can use this to enforce the direction. |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent
<Item identifier="dockingport" tags="dock" linkable="true" indestructible="true" scale="0.5" requirecursorinsidetrigger="true" requirebodyinsidetrigger="false">
<DockingPort IsHorizontal="true" DistanceTolerance="200,64" DockedDistance="172">
<StatusEffect type="OnSecondaryUse" target="This">
<sound file="Content/Items/Door/DockingPort2.ogg" type="OnSecondaryUse" range="15000.0" />
<StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This">
<Explosion range="5000.0" camerashake="5" stun="0" force="0.0" flames="false" shockwave="false" sparks="true" underwaterbubble="false" />
<sound file="Content/Items/Door/DockingPort1.ogg" type="OnUse" range="15000.0" />
<StatusEffect type="OnBroken" target="This">
<sound file="Content/Items/Door/DoorBreak2.ogg" range="3000" />
<Wire />
<ConnectionPanel selectkey="Action" canbeselected="true" msg="ItemMsgRewireScrewdriver" hudpriority="10">
<GuiFrame relativesize="0.2,0.32" minsize="400,350" maxsize="480,420" anchor="Center" style="ConnectionPanel" />
<RequiredItem identifier="screwdriver" type="Equipped" />
<input name="toggle" displayname="connection.togglestate" />
<input name="set_state" displayname="connection.setstate" />
<output name="power" displayname="connection.power" maxwires="6" maxplayerconnectablewires="5" />
<output name="state_out" displayname="connection.stateout" fallbackdisplayname="connection.signalout" />
<output name="proximity_sensor" displayname="connection.dockingproximitysensor" fallbackdisplayname="label.readytodock" />