Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
ItemIdentifier | string? | ”” | Identifier of the item to spawn, does nothing if SpeciesName is set. Separate by comma to have multiple items spawn at random. |
SpeciesName | string? | ”” | Species name of the creature to spawn, takes priority if ItemIdentifier is set. Separate by comma to have multiple creatures spawn at random. |
OnlySpawnWhenCrewInRange | bool | true | Only spawn if crew members are within certain area |
CrewAreaShape | AreaShape | Rectangle | Shape of the area where crew members need to stay |
CrewAreaBounds | Vector2 | “500,500” | Size of the rectangle where crew members need to stay. Does nothing if CrewAreaShape is set to Circle |
CrewAreaRadius | float | 500 | Radius of the circle to spawn stuff in. Does nothing if CrewAreaShape is set to Rectangle |
CrewAreaOffset | Vector2 | “0,0” | Offset of the crew area from the center of the item |
SpawnAreaShape | AreaShape | Rectangle | Shape of the area where enemies or items are spawned |
SpawnAreaBounds | Vector2 | “500,500” | Size of the rectangle where items or creatures will be spawned. Does nothing if SpawnAreaShape is set to Circle |
SpawnAreaRadius | float | 500 | Radius of the circle where items or creatures will be spawned. Does nothing if SpawnAreaShape is set to Rectangle |
SpawnAreaOffset | Vector2 | “0,0” | Offset of the spawn area from the center of the item |
SpawnTimerRange | Vector2 | “10,40” | Time range between spawn attempts in seconds. Set both to a negative value to disable automatic spawning. |
SpawnAmountRange | Vector2 | “1,3” | Minumum and maximum amount of items or creatures to spawn in one attempt |
MaximumAmount | int | 8 | Total maximum amount of items or creatures that can be spawned. 0 = unrestricted. |
MaximumAmountInArea | int | 8 | Amount of items or creatures in the spawn area that will prevent further items or creatures from being spawned. 0 = unrestricted. |
MaximumAmountRangePadding | float | 500 | Inflate the circle of rectangle by this value to extend the area that counts towards the maximum amount of items or enemies to be spawned |
CanSpawn | bool | true | |
PreloadCharacter | bool | false |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent
<Item nameidentifier="ruinvent" identifier="ruinvent" width="128" height="192" texturescale="0.5,0.5" scale="0.5" category="Alien">
<EntitySpawnerComponent />