Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma



Attribute Type Default value Description
MaxOutputLength int 200 The maximum length of the output strings. Warning: Large values can lead to large memory usage or networking issues.
Output string “1” The signal sent when the condition is met.
FalseOutput string ”” The signal sent when the condition is met (if empty, no signal is sent).
TimeFrame float 0 The maximum amount of time between the received signals. If set to 0, the signals must be received at the same time.

This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent


<Item identifier="equalscomponent" category="Electrical" Tags="smallitem,logic" maxstacksize="8" linkable="false" cargocontaineridentifier="metalcrate" scale="0.5" impactsoundtag="impact_metal_light" isshootable="true">
  <EqualsComponent canbeselected="true" />
  <ConnectionPanel selectkey="Action" canbeselected="true" msg="ItemMsgRewireScrewdriver" hudpriority="10">
    <GuiFrame relativesize="0.2,0.32" minsize="400,350" maxsize="480,420" anchor="Center" style="ConnectionPanel" />
    <requireditem items="screwdriver" type="Equipped" />
    <input name="signal_in1" displayname="connection.signalinx~[num]=1" />
    <input name="signal_in2" displayname="connection.signalinx~[num]=2" />
    <output name="signal_out" displayname="connection.signalout" />
    <input name="set_output" displayname="connection.setoutput" />