Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma



Attribute Type Default value Description
MinVoltage float 0.5 The minimum voltage required for the device to function. The voltage is calculated as power / powerconsumption, meaning that a device with a power consumption of 1000 kW would need at least 500 kW of power to work if the minimum voltage is set to 0.5.
PowerConsumption float 0 How much power the device draws (or attempts to draw) from the electrical grid when active.
IsActive bool false Is the device currently active. Inactive devices don’t consume power.
CurrPowerConsumption float 0 The current power consumption of the device. Intended to be used by StatusEffect conditionals (setting the value from XML is not recommended).
Voltage float 0 The current voltage of the item (calculated as power consumption / available power). Intended to be used by StatusEffect conditionals (setting the value from XML is not recommended).
VulnerableToEMP bool true Can the item be damaged by electomagnetic pulses.

This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent


<Item identifier="divingsuitlocker" category="Diving" tags="container,divingsuitcontainer,divingsuitcontainerwindow" pickdistance="50" scale="0.5">
  <Powered powerconsumption="10" currpowerconsumption="10" isactive="true">
    <GuiFrame relativesize="0.18,0.15" minsize="350,160" maxsize="420,192" anchor="Center" relativeoffset="0,-0.1" style="ItemUI" msg="ItemMsgInteractSelect" />
  <ConnectionPanel selectkey="Action" canbeselected="true" msg="ItemMsgRewireScrewdriver" hudpriority="10">
    <GuiFrame relativesize="0.2,0.32" minsize="400,350" maxsize="480,420" anchor="Center" style="ConnectionPanel" />
    <RequiredSkill identifier="electrical" level="25" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnFailure" target="Character" targetlimbs="LeftHand,RightHand" AllowWhenBroken="true">
      <Sound file="Content/Sounds/Damage/Electrocution1.ogg" range="1000" />
      <Explosion range="100.0" stun="0" force="1.0" flames="false" shockwave="false" sparks="true" underwaterbubble="false" />
      <Affliction identifier="stun" strength="4" />
      <Affliction identifier="burn" strength="5" />
    <RequiredItem items="screwdriver" type="Equipped" />
    <ParticleEmitter particle="spark" particleburstamount="5" particleburstinterval="1.05" scalemin="0.5" scalemax="1" mincondition="0.0" maxcondition="15.0" />
    <ParticleEmitter particle="fleshsmoke" particlespersecond="2" scalemin="1" scalemax="2" mincondition="0.0" maxcondition="50.0" />
    <input name="power_in" displayname="connection.powerin" />