Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma



Attribute Type Default value Description
BarrelPos string “0.0,0.0” The position of the barrel as an offset from the item’s center (in pixels). Determines where the projectiles spawn.
Reload float 1 How long the user has to wait before they can fire the weapon again (in seconds).
ReloadSkillRequirement float 0 Weapons skill requirement to reload at normal speed.
ReloadNoSkill float 1 Reload time at 0 skill level. Reload time scales with skill level up to the Weapons skill requirement.
HoldTrigger bool false Tells the AI to hold the trigger down when it uses this weapon
ProjectileCount int 1 How many projectiles the weapon launches when fired once.
Spread float 0 Random spread applied to the firing angle of the projectiles when used by a character with sufficient skills to use the weapon (in degrees).
UnskilledSpread float 0 Random spread applied to the firing angle of the projectiles when used by a character with insufficient skills to use the weapon (in degrees).
LaunchImpulse float 0 The impulse applied to the physics body of the projectile (the higher the impulse, the faster the projectiles are launched). Sum of weapon + projectile.
Penetration float 0 Percentage of damage mitigation ignored when hitting armored body parts (deflecting limbs). Sum of weapon + projectile.
WeaponDamageModifier float 1 Weapon’s damage modifier
MaxChargeTime float 0 The time required for a charge-type turret to charge up before able to fire.
CrossHairScale float 1 The scale of the crosshair sprite (if there is one).

This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent


<Item identifier="clownexosuit" category="Diving,Equipment" tags="clowngear,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,clowns" scale="0.5" fireproof="true" isshootable="true" allowdroppingonswapwith="diving" impactsoundtag="impact_metal_heavy">
  <RangedWeapon barrelpos="29,11" spread="5" unskilledspread="5" combatPriority="70" drawhudwhenequipped="true" crosshairscale="0.2" reload="0.1" suitableprojectiles="bananapeelprojectile">
    <Crosshair texture="Content/Items/Weapons/Crosshairs.png" sourcerect="0,256,256,256" />
    <CrosshairPointer texture="Content/Items/Weapons/Crosshairs.png" sourcerect="256,256,256,256" />
    <Sound file="Content/Items/Weapons/GrenadeLauncherShot1.ogg" type="OnUse" selectionmode="All" />
    <Sound file="Content/Items/Weapons/honk.ogg" type="OnUse" selectionmode="All" />
    <ParticleEmitter particle="explosionsmoke" particleamount="5" velocitymin="0" velocitymax="0" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This">
      <SpawnItem identifier="bananapeelprojectile" spawnposition="ThisInventory" count="1" />
      <Explosion range="500.0" force="2" shockwave="false" smoke="false" flames="false" flash="true" sparks="false" underwaterbubble="false" applyfireeffects="false" camerashake="6.0" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This" reload="5.0" setvalue="true" delay="0.5" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This" reload="0.1" setvalue="true" delay="5.0" />
    <RequiredItems items="bananapeelprojectile" type="Contained" />
  <ItemContainer capacity="0" maxstacksize="0" hideitems="true" containedstateindicatorstyle="tank" containedstateindicatorslot="0">
    <Containable items="none" />
    <SlotIcon slotindex="0" texture="Content/UI/StatusMonitorUI.png" sourcerect="64,448,64,64" origin="0.5,0.5" />
    <SlotIcon slotindex="1" texture="Content/UI/StatusMonitorUI.png" sourcerect="192,448,64,64" origin="0.5,0.5" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnWearing" target="Contained">
      <RequiredItem items="oxygensource" type="Contained" />
      <Conditional condition="lt 5.0" />
      <Sound file="Content/Items/WarningBeepSlow.ogg" range="500" loop="true" />
    <StatusEffect type="OnWearing" target="Contained" playsoundonrequireditemfailure="true">
      <RequiredItem items="oxygensource" type="Contained" matchonempty="true" />
      <Conditional condition="lte 0.0" />
      <Sound file="Content/Items/WarningBeep.ogg" range="500" loop="true" />
    <SubContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1">
      <Containable items="oxygensource,weldingtoolfuel" />
    <SubContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1">
      <Containable items="reactorfuel">
        <StatusEffect type="OnContaining" target="This" Voltage="1.0" setvalue="true" />
  <ItemContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1" hideitems="true" spawnwithid="bananapeelprojectile">
    <Containable items="bananapeelprojectile" />