Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
BarrelPos | string | “0.0,0.0” | The position of the barrel as an offset from the item’s center (in pixels). Determines where the projectiles spawn. |
Reload | float | 1 | How long the user has to wait before they can fire the weapon again (in seconds). |
ReloadSkillRequirement | float | 0 | Weapons skill requirement to reload at normal speed. |
ReloadNoSkill | float | 1 | Reload time at 0 skill level. Reload time scales with skill level up to the Weapons skill requirement. |
HoldTrigger | bool | false | Tells the AI to hold the trigger down when it uses this weapon |
ProjectileCount | int | 1 | How many projectiles the weapon launches when fired once. |
Spread | float | 0 | Random spread applied to the firing angle of the projectiles when used by a character with sufficient skills to use the weapon (in degrees). |
UnskilledSpread | float | 0 | Random spread applied to the firing angle of the projectiles when used by a character with insufficient skills to use the weapon (in degrees). |
LaunchImpulse | float | 0 | The impulse applied to the physics body of the projectile (the higher the impulse, the faster the projectiles are launched). Sum of weapon + projectile. |
Penetration | float | 0 | Percentage of damage mitigation ignored when hitting armored body parts (deflecting limbs). Sum of weapon + projectile. |
WeaponDamageModifier | float | 1 | Weapon’s damage modifier |
MaxChargeTime | float | 0 | The time required for a charge-type turret to charge up before able to fire. |
CrossHairScale | float | 1 | The scale of the crosshair sprite (if there is one). |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent
<Item identifier="clownexosuit" category="Diving,Equipment" tags="clowngear,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,clowns" scale="0.5" fireproof="true" isshootable="true" allowdroppingonswapwith="diving" impactsoundtag="impact_metal_heavy">
<RangedWeapon barrelpos="29,11" spread="5" unskilledspread="5" combatPriority="70" drawhudwhenequipped="true" crosshairscale="0.2" reload="0.1" suitableprojectiles="bananapeelprojectile">
<Crosshair texture="Content/Items/Weapons/Crosshairs.png" sourcerect="0,256,256,256" />
<CrosshairPointer texture="Content/Items/Weapons/Crosshairs.png" sourcerect="256,256,256,256" />
<Sound file="Content/Items/Weapons/GrenadeLauncherShot1.ogg" type="OnUse" selectionmode="All" />
<Sound file="Content/Items/Weapons/honk.ogg" type="OnUse" selectionmode="All" />
<ParticleEmitter particle="explosionsmoke" particleamount="5" velocitymin="0" velocitymax="0" />
<StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This">
<SpawnItem identifier="bananapeelprojectile" spawnposition="ThisInventory" count="1" />
<Explosion range="500.0" force="2" shockwave="false" smoke="false" flames="false" flash="true" sparks="false" underwaterbubble="false" applyfireeffects="false" camerashake="6.0" />
<StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This" reload="5.0" setvalue="true" delay="0.5" />
<StatusEffect type="OnUse" target="This" reload="0.1" setvalue="true" delay="5.0" />
<RequiredItems items="bananapeelprojectile" type="Contained" />
<ItemContainer capacity="0" maxstacksize="0" hideitems="true" containedstateindicatorstyle="tank" containedstateindicatorslot="0">
<Containable items="none" />
<SlotIcon slotindex="0" texture="Content/UI/StatusMonitorUI.png" sourcerect="64,448,64,64" origin="0.5,0.5" />
<SlotIcon slotindex="1" texture="Content/UI/StatusMonitorUI.png" sourcerect="192,448,64,64" origin="0.5,0.5" />
<StatusEffect type="OnWearing" target="Contained">
<RequiredItem items="oxygensource" type="Contained" />
<Conditional condition="lt 5.0" />
<Sound file="Content/Items/WarningBeepSlow.ogg" range="500" loop="true" />
<StatusEffect type="OnWearing" target="Contained" playsoundonrequireditemfailure="true">
<RequiredItem items="oxygensource" type="Contained" matchonempty="true" />
<Conditional condition="lte 0.0" />
<Sound file="Content/Items/WarningBeep.ogg" range="500" loop="true" />
<SubContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1">
<Containable items="oxygensource,weldingtoolfuel" />
<SubContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1">
<Containable items="reactorfuel">
<StatusEffect type="OnContaining" target="This" Voltage="1.0" setvalue="true" />
<ItemContainer capacity="1" maxstacksize="1" hideitems="true" spawnwithid="bananapeelprojectile">
<Containable items="bananapeelprojectile" />