Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
UsableIn | UseEnvironment | “Both” | Can the item be used in air, water or both. |
Range | float | 0 | The distance at which the item can repair targets. |
Spread | float | 0 | Random spread applied to the firing angle when used by a character with sufficient skills to use the tool (in degrees). |
UnskilledSpread | float | 0 | Random spread applied to the firing angle when used by a character with insufficient skills to use the tool (in degrees). |
StructureFixAmount | float | 0 | How many units of damage the item removes from structures per second. |
FireDamage | float | 0 | How much damage is applied to ballast flora. |
LevelWallFixAmount | float | 0 | How many units of damage the item removes from destructible level walls per second. |
ExtinguishAmount | float | 0 | How much the item decreases the size of fires per second. |
WaterAmount | float | 0 | How much water the item provides to planters per second. |
BarrelPos | Vector2 | “0.0,0.0” | The position of the barrel as an offset from the item’s center (in pixels). |
RepairThroughWalls | bool | false | Can the item repair things through walls. |
RepairMultiple | bool | false | Can the item repair multiple things at once, or will it only affect the first thing the ray from the barrel hits. |
RepairThroughHoles | bool | false | Can the item repair things through holes in walls. |
MaxOverlappingWallDist | float | 100 | How far two walls need to not be considered overlapping and to stop the ray. |
HitItems | bool | true | Can the item hit doors. |
HitBrokenDoors | bool | false | Can the item hit broken doors. |
IgnoreCharacters | bool | false | Should the tool ignore characters? Enabled e.g. for fire extinguisher. |
FireProbability | float | 0 | The probability of starting a fire somewhere along the ray fired from the barrel (for example, 0.1 = 10% chance to start a fire during a second of use). |
TargetForce | float | 0 | Force applied to the entity the ray hits. |
BarrelRotation | float | 0 | Rotation of the barrel in degrees. |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent
<Item identifier="wateringcan" category="Misc" Tags="smallitem,tool" cargocontaineridentifier="metalcrate" Scale="0.5" impactsoundtag="impact_metal_light">
<RepairTool wateramount="100.0" range="0" barrelpos="28,11" targetstructures="false" hititems="false">
<ParticleEmitter particle="waterdrop" velocitymin="10.0" velocitymax="50.0" particlespersecond="50" />