Semi-automatically generated modding documentation for Barotrauma



Attribute Type Default value Description
ScanDuration float 1 How long it takes for the scan to be completed.
ScanTimer float 0 How far along the scan is. When the timer goes above ScanDuration, the scan is completed.
ScanRadius float 1 How far the scanner can be from the target for the scan to be successful.
AlwaysDisplayProgressBar bool true Should the progress bar always be displayed when the item has been attached.

This component also supports the attributes defined in: ItemComponent


<Item identifier="ruinscanner" category="Equipment" Tags="smallitem,scanner" Scale="0.5" cargocontaineridentifier="metalcrate" impactsoundtag="impact_metal_light" isshootable="true">
  <Scanner scanduration="30" scanradius="1000" alwaysdisplayprogressbar="false">
    <StatusEffect type="OnActive" targettype="This">
      <Conditional scantimer="gt 0" />
      <ParticleEmitter particle="scannerwavefx" anglemax="360" particlespersecond="0.5" />
      <ParticleEmitter particle="scannerdot" particlespersecond="0.9" />
  <Holdable selectkey="Action" pickkey="Select" slots="Any,RightHand,LeftHand" msg="itemmsgpickupselect" aimpos="35,-10" handle1="0,0" attachable="true" aimable="true">
    <!--<RequiredItem items="wrench" type="Equipped" />-->