Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
IndicatorPosition | Vector2 | “0,0” | The position of the progress bar indicating the charge of the item. In pixels as an offset from the upper left corner of the sprite. |
IndicatorSize | Vector2 | “0,0” | The size of the progress bar indicating the charge of the item (in pixels). |
IsHorizontal | bool | false | Should the progress bar indicating the charge of the item fill up horizontally or vertically. |
MaxOutPut | float | 10 | Maximum output of the device when fully charged (kW). |
Capacity | float | 10 | The maximum capacity of the device (kW * min). For example, a value of 1000 means the device can output 100 kilowatts of power for 10 minutes, or 1000 kilowatts for 1 minute. |
Charge | float | 0 | The current charge of the device. |
MaxRechargeSpeed | float | 10 | How fast the device can be recharged. For example, a recharge speed of 100 kW and a capacity of 1000 kW*min would mean it takes 10 minutes to fully charge the device. |
RechargeSpeed | float | 0 | The current recharge speed of the device. |
ExponentialRechargeSpeed | bool | false | If true, the recharge speed (and power consumption) of the device goes up exponentially as the recharge rate is increased. |
Efficiency | float | 0.95 | The amount of power you can get out of a item relative to the amount of power that’s put into it. |
FlipIndicator | bool | false | Should the progress bar indicating the charge be flipped to fill from the other side. |
RechargeWarningIndicatorLow | float | 0 | |
RechargeWarningIndicatorHigh | float | 0 |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: Powered, ItemComponent
<Item identifier="shuttlebattery" tags="battery,batterycellrecharger" category="Electrical,Machine" Scale="0.5" damagedbyexplosions="false">
<PowerContainer capacity="2000.0" maxrechargespeed="500.0" maxoutput="1000.0" canbeselected="true" indicatorposition="21,12" indicatorsize="54,35" ishorizontal="true" msg="ItemMsgInteractSelect">
<GuiFrame relativesize="0.25,0.23" minsize="350,200" anchor="Center" style="ItemUI" />
<!--minsize="350,250" maxsize="420,300"-->
<StatusEffect type="OnActive" targettype="Contained" targets="loadable" Condition="2.0">
<!-- the statuseffect targets the contained item (a battery cell that's being charged), but the conditional targets the container (this battery) -->
<Conditional ChargePercentage="gt 0.01" targetcontainer="true" targetitemcomponent="PowerContainer" />
<ConnectionPanel selectkey="Action" canbeselected="true" msg="ItemMsgRewireScrewdriver" hudpriority="10">
<GuiFrame relativesize="0.2,0.32" minsize="400,350" maxsize="480,420" anchor="Center" style="ConnectionPanel" />
<RequiredSkill identifier="electrical" level="55" />
<StatusEffect type="OnFailure" target="Character" targetlimbs="LeftHand,RightHand" AllowWhenBroken="true">
<Sound file="Content/Sounds/Damage/Electrocution1.ogg" range="1000" />
<Explosion range="100.0" force="1.0" flames="false" shockwave="false" sparks="true" underwaterbubble="false" />
<Affliction identifier="stun" strength="4" />
<Affliction identifier="burn" strength="5" />
<RequiredItem items="screwdriver" type="Equipped" />
<output name="power_out" displayname="connection.powerout" />
<input name="power_in" displayname="connection.powerin" />
<input name="set_rate" displayname="connection.batterysetrechargespeed" />
<output name="charge" displayname="connection.batterychargestatusout" />
<output name="charge_%" displayname="connection.batterychargepercentage" />
<output name="charge_rate" displayname="connection.batteryrechargespeedout" />
<output name="condition_out" displayname="connection.conditionout" />
<output name="load_value_out" displayname="connection.loadvalueout" />
<output name="power_value_out" displayname="connection.powervalueout" />