Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
BarrelPos | Vector2 | “0,0” | The position of the barrel relative to the upper left corner of the base sprite (in pixels). |
FiringOffset | Vector2 | “0,0” | The projectile launching location relative to transformed barrel position (in pixels). |
AlternatingFiringOffset | bool | false | If enabled, the firing offset will alternate from left to right (i.e. flipping the x-component of the offset each shot.) |
LaunchImpulse | float | 0 | The impulse applied to the physics body of the projectile (the higher the impulse, the faster the projectiles are launched). |
Reload | float | 5 | The period of time the user has to wait between shots. |
ShotsPerBurst | int | 1 | How many projectiles needs to be shot before we add an extra break? Think of the double coilgun. |
DelayBetweenBursts | float | 0 | An extra delay between the bursts. Added to the reload. |
RetractionDurationMultiplier | float | 1 | Modifies the duration of retraction of the barrell after recoil to get back to the original position after shooting. Reload time affects this too. |
RecoilTime | float | 0.1 | How quickly the recoil moves the barrel after launching. |
RetractionDelay | float | 0 | How long the barrell stays in place after the recoil and before retracting back to the original position. |
DamageMultiplier | float | 1 | Multiplies the damage the turret deals by this amount. |
ProjectileCount | int | 1 | How many projectiles the weapon launches when fired once. |
LaunchWithoutProjectile | bool | false | Can the turret be fired without projectiles (causing it just to execute the OnUse effects and the firing animation without actually firing anything). |
RotationLimits | Vector2 | “0.0,0.0” | The range at which the barrel can rotate. |
Spread | float | 0 | Random spread applied to the firing angle of the projectiles (in degrees). |
SpringStiffnessLowSkill | float | 5 | How much torque is applied to rotate the barrel when the item is used by a character with insufficient skills to operate it. Higher values make the barrel rotate faster. |
SpringStiffnessHighSkill | float | 2 | How much torque is applied to rotate the barrel when the item is used by a character with sufficient skills to operate it. Higher values make the barrel rotate faster. |
SpringDampingLowSkill | float | 50 | How much torque is applied to resist the movement of the barrel when the item is used by a character with insufficient skills to operate it. Higher values make the aiming more “snappy”, stopping the barrel from swinging around the direction it’s being aimed at. |
SpringDampingHighSkill | float | 10 | How much torque is applied to resist the movement of the barrel when the item is used by a character with sufficient skills to operate it. Higher values make the aiming more “snappy”, stopping the barrel from swinging around the direction it’s being aimed at. |
RotationSpeedLowSkill | float | 1 | Maximum angular velocity of the barrel when used by a character with insufficient skills to operate it. |
RotationSpeedHighSkill | float | 5 | Maximum angular velocity of the barrel when used by a character with sufficient skills to operate it. |
FiringRotationSpeedModifier | float | 1 | How fast the turret can rotate while firing (for charged weapons). |
SingleChargedShot | bool | false | Whether the turret should always charge-up fully to shoot. |
BaseRotation | float | 0 | The angle of the turret’s base in degrees. |
AIRange | float | 3000 | How close to a target the turret has to be for an AI character to fire it. |
MaxActiveProjectiles | int | -1 | The turret won’t fire additional projectiles if the number of previously fired, still active projectiles reaches this limit. If set to -1, there is no limit to the number of projectiles. |
MaxChargeTime | float | 0 | The time required for a charge-type turret to charge up before able to fire. |
AutoOperate | bool | false | Should the turret operate automatically using AI targeting? Comes with some optional random movement that can be adjusted below. |
RandomAimAmount | float | 0 | [Auto Operate] How much the turret should adjust the aim off the target randomly instead of tracking the target perfectly? In Degrees. |
RandomAimMinTime | float | 0 | [Auto Operate] How often the turret should adjust the aim randomly instead of tracking the target perfectly? Minimum wait time, in seconds. |
RandomAimMaxTime | float | 0 | [Auto Operate] How often the turret should adjust the aim randomly instead of tracking the target perfectly? Maximum wait time, in seconds. |
RandomMovement | bool | false | [Auto Operate] Should the turret move randomly while idle? |
AimDelay | bool | false | [Auto Operate] Should the turret have a delay while targeting targets or always aim prefectly? |
TargetCharacters | bool | true | [Auto Operate] Should the turret target characters in general? |
TargetMonsters | bool | true | [Auto Operate] Should the turret target all monsters? |
TargetHumans | bool | true | [Auto Operate] Should the turret target all humans (or creatures in the same group, like pets)? |
TargetSubmarines | bool | true | [Auto Operate] Should the turret target other submarines? |
TargetItems | bool | true | [Auto Operate] Should the turret target items? |
FriendlyTag | Identifier | ”” | [Auto Operate] Group or SpeciesName that the AI ignores when the turret is operated automatically. |
HudTint | Color | “0,0,0,0” | Optional screen tint color when the item is being operated (R,G,B,A). |
ShowChargeIndicator | bool | false | Should the charge of the connected batteries/supercapacitors be shown at the top of the screen when operating the item. |
ShowProjectileIndicator | bool | false | Should the available ammunition be shown at the top of the screen when operating the item. |
RecoilDistance | float | 0 | How far the barrel “recoils back” when the turret is fired (in pixels). |
SpinningBarrelDistance | float | 0 | The distance in which the spinning barrels rotate. Only used if spinning barrels are created. |
This component also supports the attributes defined in: Powered, ItemComponent
<Item identifier="turrethardpoint" Tags="turret,hardpoint" showinstatusmonitor="false" category="Machine,Weapon" interactthroughwalls="true" Scale="0.5" interactdistance="10" spritecolor="1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0" linkable="true" allowedlinks="turretammosource">
<Turret rotationlimits="180,360" projectilecount="0" canbeselected="false" characterusable="false" linkable="true" barrelpos="128,-50">
<LightComponent LightColor="1.0,0.8,0.8,1.0" Flicker="0.0" range="2500" IsOn="true" drawbehindsubs="true" ignorecontinuoustoggle="true">
<LightTexture texture="Content/Lights/alphaOne.png" />
<ConnectionPanel selectkey="Action" canbeselected="true" msg="ItemMsgRewireScrewdriver" hudpriority="10">
<GuiFrame relativesize="0.2,0.32" minsize="400,350" maxsize="480,420" anchor="Center" style="ConnectionPanel" />
<RequiredItem items="screwdriver" type="Equipped" />
<input name="power_in" displayname="connection.powerin" />
<input name="position_in" displayname="connection.turretaimingin" />
<input name="trigger_in" displayname="connection.turrettriggerin" />
<input name="toggle_light" displayname="connection.togglelight" />
<input name="set_light" displayname="connection.setlight" />